DOI: 10.1016/J.CLINBIOCHEM.2011.03.123 Corpus ID: 58498035. Intra- and inter-individual biological variation of 12 amino acids from dried blood spot samples in healthy individuals
Across the biological scales, variation explained by each level varied among leaf traits (Figure 2a). Specifically, variation explained by family varied across traits from 0% to 31.3%. Genus also accounted for a large amount of variation in PL (76.2%) and LMR (58.9%).
The following table shows that the width of the 95% confidence interval (CI) for various number of individuals, samples and replicates when the ratio of CV A/CV I This variation among individuals has important implications for studies using inbred strains: conclusions based on one individual or one strain will not necessarily The aim of our study was to assess: (i) the average inherent intra‐ and inter‐ individual biological variation (CVi and CVg) for CA 19‐9, CEA, AFP in a group of 19 Mar 2015 We apportion placental gene expression variation into individual, population, and biological trait factors and identify how each influence the long-term biological variation,s. 10 the oppor- tunity arose to examine analytical, intra- individual and inter-individual variation of serum creatinine, urine Many analytes of interest in the clinical laboratory can vary over an individual's lifetime, simply because of natural biological factors involved in the aging process. Differences in measurable biological values, characteristics, or traits, within one individual under different conditions for the individual such as fasting, season of 30 Jan 2017 inter-cellular and inter-individual variations, which have received an on the basis of biological variation (specific objects) . In what follows, we (25-HD), it may be important to assess the significance of variations in the concentrations in the same individual. Data on biological variation is helpful in the variance to be broken into within-individual, between-individual, and analytical variation.
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33, 2015 Human cooperation in groups: variation begets variation. Summary. By ratifying the Convention of Biological Diversity, Sweden has agreed to ting leads to increased migration of individuals (and genes) from nearby. 1. between-subject biological variability.
Different results are usually observed when a quantity is measured in different specimens from the same individual obtained over a time span.
1. between-subject biological variability. (substantiv), variabilidad biológica interindividual (substantiv, femininum). 2. biological
SUMMARY Functional genomics research using Fundulus heteroclitus has focused on variation among individuals because of the evolutionary importance and value of Fundulus in explaining the human condition (why individual humans are different and are affected differently by stress, disease and drugs). biological variation and the analytical variation. The intra-individual biological variations were calculated by means of the following formula (5,14): (CV I) 2 =(Total CV)2 - (Analytical CV)2 One-half of the mean CV I is proposed as the quality specification for imprecision, i.e., CV A < 0.5 CV I. The inter-individual variance (SD G 2 Human variability, or human variation, is the range of possible values for any characteristic, physical or mental, of human beings. Frequently debated areas of variability include cognitive ability, personality, physical appearance (body shape, skin color, etc.) and immunology.
Biological variation has generally been defined as random fluctuation around the homeostatic set point for each individual (within-subject or intra-individual biological variation) and the
Conclusions: Collecting samples at specific hours of the day or times of the year may reduce high biological variation. Alternatively, the number of individuals may be increased and a paired study design chosen to obtain adequate statistical power. The biological importance of measuring individual variation Douglas L. Crawford* and Marjorie F. Oleksiak Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Marine Biology and Fisheries, 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Besides biological variation, lipid values are also dependent on the laboratory's analytical performance. Today's chemistry analyzers are very precise; analytical variation in reputable laboratories is less than one half of biological variation. 2019-10-27 2006-02-01 Within-individual biological variation (CV i) is the degree of day-to-day fluctuation observed around the set point of a given biological parameter.
By now the reader will have readily grasped one of the key working principles of clinical ecology which is that of individual biological variation. With such a bewildering array of potential responses to stressors and overload, it is virtually impossible to make generalizations. Individual Biological Test Variation One analytical goal that each laboratory should strive for is to make method imprecision for each analyte equal to or less than one half of the average intra-individual biological variation. As of May 2019, EFLM is managing the new biological variation database. We were honored to host this database for 15 years. Desirable Specifications for Total Error, Imprecision, and Bias, derived from intra- and inter-individual biologic variation
Many analytes of interest in the clinical laboratory can vary over an individual's lifetime, simply because of natural biological factors involved in the aging process.
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Carobene A. BACKGROUND: Biological variation (BV) data enable assessment of the significance of changes in serial measurements observed within a subject and are used to set analytical quality specifications. Se hela listan på 2015-03-19 · We estimate that on average, 33.2%, 58.9%, and 7.8% of the placental transcriptome is explained by variation within individuals, among individuals, and among human groups, respectively.
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16 Jul 2014 Quantifying BiologicalQuantifying Biological VariationVariation σ2 Analytical= σ2 Individual= σ2 Group = Average variance of replicate
Mutation, meiosis and sexual reproduction causes variation between individuals in a species. Natural selection requires variation among members of a species
We have argued that variation is as fundamental to the biological nature of human beings as any single gene sequence can be.
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The aim of our study was to assess: (i) the average inherent intra‐ and inter‐ individual biological variation (CVi and CVg) for CA 19‐9, CEA, AFP in a group of
Frequently debated areas of variability include cognitive ability, personality, physical appearance (body shape, skin color, etc.) and immunology.