Pink & stars necklace. ART.NR: 10-101-01548 ” Låt din dag skina upp med mjuka färger och gnistrande diamanter.


En jättediamant som döpts till Rosa stjärnan har slagit nytt rekord på en auktion i Hongkong i dag. Diamanten såldes för 71,2 miljoner dollar (66 

Med en salgspris på 83 millioner dollar, eller 462 millioner kroner, slog den verdensrekorden for den dyreste diamant solgt på auktion nogensinde. Klik videre og se nogle af verdens dyreste diamanter. „Pink Star” – cel mai mare și scump diamant din istorie Când a spus celebrul „ Diamonds are a girl’s best friend„, Marylin Monroe nici nu știa câtă dreptate are. La fel cum nu știa că, peste ani, unii oameni vor fi martorii unui eveniment istoric, anume licitația pentru cumpărarea celui mai mare diamant din istorie, „Pink Star” On 4 April 2017 in Hong Kong, Sotheby’s set a new record for any diamond or jewel when the Pink Star, a 59.60-carat oval mixed-cut fancy vivid pink internally flawless diamond, sold for HK$553 million (US$71.2 million) to renowned jeweller Chow Tai Fook, who has renamed the stone 'CTF Pink Star'. Dalby Diamonds er certificeret forhandler af sjældne pink diamanter fra bl.a. Argyle minen.

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Although the Fancy Vivid Purplish Pink, Round Diamond ring sold in 2013 was over three times smaller than the 1.60ct round Vivid pink in 2000, it still showed an outstanding 238% price increase! Needless to say, if the ring was a similar size to the 1.60ct, the price appreciation would have been far more dramatic! „Pink Star” – cel mai mare și scump diamant din istorie Când a spus celebrul „ Diamonds are a girl’s best friend„, Marylin Monroe nici nu știa câtă dreptate are. La fel cum nu știa că, peste ani, unii oameni vor fi martorii unui eveniment istoric, anume licitația pentru cumpărarea celui mai mare diamant din istorie, „Pink Star” 2021-04-06 · Pink Star este un diamant roz de 59,60 de carate, ceea ce inseamna ca s-au platit 1,39 de milioane de dolari pe carat, mai mult decat pe "Hancock Red Diamond", un diamant rosu, unul dintre cele mai rare din lume, de aproape 0,95 de carate, vandut cu 880.000 de dolari (adica 926.315 dolari pe carat) 2013-11-13 · Billed as “the most valuable diamond ever to come to auction,” the 59.6-carat Pink Star lived up to its hype by selling for a world record price of more than $83 million at Sotheby’s Geneva Sotheby's has had to re-acquire the Pink Star diamond, which originally sold for a record breaking $83 million (£40 million) at auction, after the winner of the auction couldn't afford to pay for it. Onsdag blev diamanten Pink Star solgt på auktion i Schweiz. Med en salgspris på 83 millioner dollar, eller 462 millioner kroner, slog den verdensrekorden for den dyreste diamant solgt på auktion nogensinde.

Das Auktionshaus "Sotheby's" versteigert am 4. April in Hong Kong den wertvollsten Diamanten der Welt. Der "Pink Star" hat 59,6 Karat und könnte bei der Vers According to this list the Steinmetz Pink aka the "Pink Star" diamond is the 3rd largest pink diamond in the world, after the 186-carat Darya-i-Nur diamond and the 60-carat Nur-ul-Ain diamond.

Diamanttavla Pennfack Mandala Pink StarStorlek: 21x7x2,5 cmForm på diamanter: Special/RundaYta att fylla: Delar avInnehåller: Förlimmad och förtryckt 

Pink Star, som den kallas, väger 59,60 karat och beskrivs av  I en tid av bling är diamanter hett eftertraktade och de riktigt stora diamanterna Pink Graff och Pink Star är två mastodontdiamanter som gått  När den 18,95 karat stora och rosa diamanten "Pink Legacy" går upp på färgglad diamant kallad "Pink Star" som i fjol köptes i Hongkong för  Spiuk Rocca MTB Shoe,G-STAR RAW damer Slim overshirt jkt wmn Smal tröja: Generic Pink Kubisk Zirkoniumoxid Oval Rope Ring in 9 Karat Vitt Guld  Den ovala stenen som kallas för Pink Promise gick för 32 miljoner dollar, eller rosa diamanten som lagts ut på auktion kallas för Pink Star. Rosa diamant såld för 32 miljoner dollar. Den högst värderade rosa diamanten som lagts ut på auktion kallas för Pink Star. Foto: Vincent Yu. Den ovala stenen som kallas för Pink Promise gick för 32 miljoner dollar, eller rosa diamanten som lagts ut på auktion kallas för Pink Star.

Diamant pink star

A stunning 59.6 carat diamond known as the "Pink Star" sold for 71.2 million U.S. dollars at a Sotheby's auction on Tuesday in Hong Kong, setting a new world

- pink star diamond stock illustrations Handbag detail at the Elisabetta Franchi show Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. Although the Fancy Vivid Purplish Pink, Round Diamond ring sold in 2013 was over three times smaller than the 1.60ct round Vivid pink in 2000, it still showed an outstanding 238% price increase!

Jager 💙 Royal House of Pink Star Diamond - our beautiful boy in his new home The Star Carat Shop story begins with the belief that everyone deserves to shine, and there’s no better way to shine than with a beautiful and affordable one carat diamond. Filter products Showing 1 - … The Pink Star was displayed (as the Steinmetz Pink) as part of the Smithsonian's "The Splendor of Diamonds" exhibit, alongside the De Beers Millennium Star, the world’s second largest (the Cullinan I The Star of Africa is the largest) top colour (D) internally and externally flawless pear-shaped diamond at 203.04 carat (40.608 g), the Heart of Eternity Diamond, a 27.64 carat (5.582 g) heart 2016-06-24 · When the Pink Star was presented and sold in Geneva’s annual jewelry sale, it became the star of the evening and the most famous diamond ever. The estimated initial value of the pink star diamond was of 61 million dollars, but the expectations were far exceeded. The initial rough diamond from which the Pink Star was polished, had 132.5 karats. The current world auction record for a pink diamond is the Graff Pink, a superb 24.78 carat diamond which sold at Sotheby's Geneva in November 2010 for US$46.16 million. Weighing in at 59.60 carats and graded as Fancy Vivid, the Pink Star is twice the size.
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2017 Der Diamant "Pink Star" wurde zweimal zu Rekordsummen versteigert. Zweimal zahlten die Käufer nicht. Das Auktionshaus "Sotheby's" versteigert am 4. April in Hong Kong den wertvollsten Diamanten der Welt.
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Popular pink star diamond of Good Quality and at Affordable Prices You can Buy on AliExpress. We believe in helping you find the product that is right for you. AliExpress carries wide variety of products, so you can find just what you’re looking for – and maybe something you never even imagined along the way.

Weighing in at 59.60 carats and graded as Fancy Vivid, the Pink Star is twice the size. A giant diamond named the "Pink Star" broke the world record for a gemstone sold at auction when it fetched, The 59.60-carat "Pink Star", the largest in its class ever graded by the Gemological Institute of America, was sold to the city´s Chow Tai Fook jewellery chain. Pink Star är en plommonstor ädelsten på 59,6 carat som är den största i sitt slag som granskats av Gemological Institute of America. Diamanten hittades i en afrikansk gruva av De Beers år 1999.